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Nadzieja Na Przyszłość, Fundacja Charytatywna

Yatsenko Oleksandr, 13 y.o.

All information was written from the name of Alexander's mother, Yatsenko Yulia:
Our son was born on April 1, 2008. At birth, Sashka weighed 1 kilogram 800 grams and 41 cm. For the first 9 days, our son was on invasive mechanical ventilation.

The doctors did not even give the baby a chance to live. But a miracle happened, our boy's lungs opened. On the tenth day, Saszunia was transferred to the second stage of helping premature babies. So he started gaining some weight. But after the tests, it turned out that Sasha has meningitis. He was still on drips. During this time, they performed three punctures on him.

He was gaining weight for a month and a half and we treated him. On May 15, 2008, we were finally home and we thought it was over. But then they realized that everything was just beginning. A month later, we went for an examination.

Currently, we have undergone 27 treatment courses in Truskavets, two surgeries using the Ulzibat method, and two rehabilitations in the Olinek clinic in Warsaw. Now Sasha is 13 years old, and what he has learned is a real miracle. Studying in a regular school is excellent, self-moving for short distances. But to support our result, ongoing rehabilitation and more than one surgery are necessary.

That is why we turn to all interested people for help in completing another rehabilitation course in the center of Olineki in Warsaw.

Thank you for helping!
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