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Miroslava Bozhko, 9 y.o.

Miroslava is nine years old, and she has cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, and epilepsy. She is a very gentle and smiley child who loves swimming, swinging, playing with balloons and balls, and she has a great fondness for treats.

Previously, we needed a treadmill because Miroslava was walking on her toes. Thanks to daily exercises, her gait improved, and she has started to place her feet fully on the ground more and more often.

Currently, Miroslava needs long-term therapy with various specialists, as in the public school she unfortunately does not receive the education she requires. In her previous school, we learned to draw and sculpt, but Miroslava needs to be taught communication and self-care skills. This is a long-term therapy, and unfortunately, parents are not always able to provide this – it requires specialists.

Now we are raising funds to pay for six months of schooling for Miroslava.

Thank you all for your help!
Collected: 12400 /12400 zl
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