What is 1.5% tax?
Anyone who pays taxes can allocate 1.5% of their tax to a public benefit organization of their choice. The mechanism of donating 1.5% of the tax works by redirecting a portion of the tax from the state budget to the chosen organization. This is a convenient and secure way to help those in need.
By deciding to donate 1.5%, taxpayers gain the ability to choose exactly what cause their tax money will support. The process is incredibly simple and does not incur any additional costs for the taxpayer. To do this, you simply need to enter the KRS number of the organization you wish to support in the appropriate section of the PIT form. From there, the tax offices will handle the transfer of the 1.5% funds.
Your 1,5%
can gift to the child happy future
Charity Foundation Nadzieja Na Przyszłość
KRS 0000919536
About Us
We are a team of enthusiasts who have dedicated our lives to helping children. Our mission is to provide every child with care, education, and love. We strive to create a world where every child has an equal chance at a happy future.
Join us today, and together we can make the world a better place for our children.
Thanks to your 1,5% children will receive the help they need
Charity Foundation Nadzieja Na Przyszłość
KRS 0000919536