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Gabriel Magalski, 7 y.o.

Number: 17

Gabriel Magalski was born on October 18, 2015, weighing 3500 grams. The birth was via cesarean section, and Gabriel received a perfect 10 points on the Apgar scale. However, just two weeks after his birth, his parents learned of the boy's serious health problems. Gabriel suffers from laryngeal flaccidity and narrowing of the trachea in one place. Tragically, during one of the examinations under general anesthesia, the boy's circulation stopped.

Gabriel has undergone several surgeries for clubfoot. Unfortunately, during the last intervention in May 2022, after general anesthesia, there were serious complications when Gabriel began to choke on his own tongue.

Gabriel is struggling with developmental disorders . He needs intensive rehabilitation.

Gabriel Magalski, 7 y.o.
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Dmowskiego 85/13, Poznań 60-204
Aleja Grunwaldzka 71/73, Gdańsk 80-236
Józefińska 33/13, Kraków 30-529
Elewatorska 9, Białystok 15-620
Aleja Wolności 15, Częstochowa 42-202
Plac Józefa Piłsudskiego 11, Opole 45-001
Dworcowa 2, Szczecin 70-200
Ul. Krasińskiego 119, Toruń 87-100
Unii Lubelskiej 12a, Bydgoszcz 85-059

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