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Kira Hrystenko, 6 years old

Kira Hrystenko, 6 years old, came from Kharkiv after a full-scale invasion, and three years ago she was diagnosed with childhood autism. And since then, endless rehabilitation sessions with a speech therapist, psychologist, osteopath, sensory integration and ABA therapy have begun. Kira needs constant care and specialized education. 
But despite all this, she is a cheerful girl who is interested in everything, loves to play on the playground, play with her favorite dolls and musical instruments.
And Kira's main dream is to overcome all the problems in communication and socialization, to learn to be independent and to realize herself in life.

Thank you all for your help!

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Dmowskiego 85/13, Poznań 60-204
Aleja Grunwaldzka 71/73, Gdańsk 80-236
Józefińska 33/13, Kraków 30-529
Elewatorska 9, Białystok 15-620
Aleja Wolności 15, Częstochowa 42-202
Plac Józefa Piłsudskiego 11, Opole 45-001
Dworcowa 2, Szczecin 70-200
Ul. Krasińskiego 119, Toruń 87-100
Unii Lubelskiej 12a, Bydgoszcz 85-059

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