Mikhail Chornogor, 7 years old
Mikhail is 7 years old and lives with a diagnosis of autism. At the age of 2.7 years, after contracting the coronavirus, Mikhail's neural connections were disrupted, leading to brain damage and a genetic mutation of two genes. As a result, he lost the ability to speak, eat, and drink. He faces panic attacks, depression, tantrums, hyperactivity, and a lack of speech comprehension. It is challenging for him to socialize, and he shows symptoms of epilepsy. Mikhail undergoes additional examinations and sees numerous specialists, including speech therapists, therapists, psychologists, and attends kindergarten, but so far without results.
Mikhail's Interests: He loves the sea and animals, enjoys visiting the zoo, reading books with beautiful pictures and encyclopedias. Mikhail loves painting with colors and is fascinated by learning the flags of different countries. In kindergarten, he is learning Polish.
Collected: 5000 zl / 5000 zl
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